Signs You’ve Outgrown Your Technology Provider

technology providerWhen you first signed on with your IT service provider, you were probably relatively happy with their services. Over time, your perspective may have changed, especially if your business is in a growth mode. Here are some sure-fire signs that you’ve outgrown your technology provider and should consider moving on.

Slow or Unreliable Responses

Technology is complex, and not every issue can be resolved instantly. Even so, you should be given an idea how long it will take your provider to return your calls and resolve your issues.

Frequent Issues & Unstable Technology

If your computers run slowly or freeze up frequently, you have an issue. It could be a virus or it could be that you’re just running out-of-date technology that can’t keep up with the demands of your business. Either way, your IT provider should be making upgrade recommendations for both performance and security.

Cloud Discussions

The cloud is helping transform technology’s landscape. However, what works for one business may not necessarily work for another. Your IT provider should be working hand-in-hand with you to determine what products and services are best for your organization.

No Scalability

If your business is in a growth mode, your provider should be keeping pace as well. Quarterly meetings, technical health assessments and plans for future technology are just a few of the ways they can help better support you.

These are just a few signs you are outgrowing your IT service provider. There are plenty of other reasons your business might be due for a new technology provider. To learn more about how your business could benefit from Safety Net, visit our managed services page.